Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wisdom, part two

I can't resist sharing this story after my last post.

Last Sunday during the children's sermon I talked with the children about being a disciple and following Jesus. The previous week, we had discussed Jesus calling Philip, who ran to get his friend Nathanael so that Nathanael could also follow Jesus. This week, Jesus calls Simon and Andrew to follow him, and they drop their fishing nets (they were fishermen) and follow Jesus. Then Jesus sees two more fishermen, James and John, and calls them to follow. These two leave their dad behind with the boat and follow Jesus.

There were three children at the early service as we talked about these things, and one of them called my discussion to a close with a typically profound, child-like statement: "Well, it's easy. We are just supposed to follow Jesus." I didn't have much to say after that.

Could it really be that simple? When Jesus calls, we answer? We follow? We leave behind the things that we are in the middle of and turn our attention toward Jesus?

I think it could be that simple. BUT, I think that most of us are too tied to our things and our lives done our way to let it be that simple. And most of us care too much about what the neighbors would say and what the world would think to respond so simply.

When was the last time that Jesus called you and you dropped everything to follow him?

When was the last time that Jesus called you and you had a really good excuse to stay where you are?

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